A sense of the girls and boys behind me filled me to the exclusion of everything . 我脑海里给背后的男女孩子们占满了,而这种感觉把一切都给挤跑了。
They become obsessed with their profession to the exclusion of all else, to the detriment of themselves and their families . 完全被职业所缠住,他们什么都顾不上,而这对他们自己和家庭都是有害无益的。
Andrew had watched other doctors, too, become obsessed with their profession to the exclusion of all else, to the detriment of themselves and their families . 安德鲁也看到其他一些医生,完全被职业缠住,其它什么都顾不上,而这对他们自己和家庭都是有害无益的。
He plays golf to the exclusion of all other sports 他打高尔夫球,其他运动一律不参加。
He spent his spare time gardening , to the exclusion of all other interests 他把空余时间都用在园艺上了,没有任何其他爱好